We are looking for qualified individuals to help out with translating tasks such as: - simple short stories - simple movie scripts/subtitles - simple sales scripts - simple articles - simple news feeds - simple PR websites - simple blog posts and many more.
Job Duties Include: - reading through original material and rewriting it in the target language, ensuring that the meaning of the source text is retained; - original material usually available for both English and Malay languages; - Translating for blogs and other news media; - Translated for the large English and Malay online audience; Will have the opportunity to work for big name companies and popular websites (depend on performances).
Qualifications: - Any individuals with an interest in translating for blogs, stories, and other articles. - Strong written communication skills. - Ability to manage multiple projects. - Experience with Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Outlook, Excel) - Internet access / Online access is a MUST.
This is a freelance, part-time and full-time job, depending on your availability. Hours are flexible from 10 to 40 hours a week. Travel is not required and payment (in USD) is discussed via communication after application process. Please email to recruitment.erg@gmail.com with your full name and resume. We will contact you shortly after within 24 hours.